Law School Debt Defense

Personal Finance for Lawyers with Big Law School Debt and a Small Salary

  Enroll in Course

Are you making student loan payments each month, only to barely see the needle move? Or worse, see it move in the wrong direction?

Don't just make payments, make progress. Learn to understand and take control of your finances in this 6 week step-by-step course.

Does any of this sound familiar?

You're on an Income-Driven Repayment Plan and have been making payments on your law school loans but they've continued to grow. Meaning you owe more now than when you graduated.

You've been wanting to buy a house only to realize your law school loans are holding you back. Your Debt to Income Ratio is too high to get approved for a mortgage.

Your finances are a vicious cycle. Just when you think you are about to get ahead something comes up and you're pulling out your credit cards, leading to even more debt.

Did you nod your head yes to any or all of the above?

Good, you're in the right place.


The truth is your student loans impact a lot of aspects of your life and that won't change unless you do something about it.

Counting on Student Loan Forgiveness? Think again, most federal repayment plans that allow for "forgiveness" look at the forgiven amount as taxable income.

I want you to take a minute and imagine:

Your debt needle finally moving in the right direction.

Having a plan to make your money work for you allowing you to get to your goals faster.

Being able to cover an emergency expense without turning to credit cards or other debt.

Affording a down payment for a house you love.

A life where you don't have student debt looming over all of your decisions.


You can achieve all of these things, and you don't have to wait until your repayment term is done in your 40's or 50's.

Law School Debt Defense will provide you with step-by-step actions to help you harness your money and manage it so that you'll actually make progress on your debt, WITHOUT sacrificing a social life.

While you don't have to give up having a life, you will have to do the work and prioritize.

This isn't like every other personal finance course out there that glosses over student loan debt as something you'll have paid off on the standard repayment plan.

This course is designed for those that have hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of student loan debt and aren't making $100k per year.

This also isn't a get rich quick course, it will take a lot more than six weeks to pay off your loans. But you'll finish the course with the best plan that works for you and your life, so that you don't end up being screwed for decades by your student loans.

This course will take you step-by-step through what you need to do to take control of your money. Start making progress on your debt, start saving, and give you the options that having more money provides.

After this course, I can say I now have an emergency fund. I opened a separate credit union account that I didn't even get a debit card for and I have $50 direct deposited every paycheck to it. Not having immediate access to it makes it easier to be "out of sight, out of mind”.

I definitely recommend this course! Working in the financial industry, I take for granted that I know what budgets, investments, 401Ks, and everything are, but that doesn't mean that I take advantage of everything there is out there. Being bogged down by law school debt has always made me feel like I can't start saving now because no matter what I'll still have that mountain of law school loans weighing me down.

This course provided so many different lessons, examples, and great ideas on how even someone with tons of debt can start saving while still chipping down at all that debt. I actually sat down and made a budget for the first time in years! Looking at my expenses made me realize just how much I waste on going out to eat, tea, etc. every month.

Throughout this course, I have been more mindful about spending unnecessary money and been making a much better effort to actually meal plan, grocery shop, and cook for myself during the week and pack my lunch instead of going to my building's cafeteria (which really is the bomb haha). I've also learned a lot more little tips and tricks about pinching those extra pennies from "side hustles" and such.

Liz offers amazing guidance, support, and information, but ultimately, you'll only get out of the course what you put into it. If you're ready, willing, and able to hunker down and take this seriously, Liz helps to equip you with all the tools you'll need.

-Holly L.


What's Included?

Weekly Group Coaching Calls

A group coaching call for each week of the six week course. To review the material, answer questions, and help keep you accountable.

Lifetime Access to All 6 Modules

Need to go back and review the course material from time to time? No problem.

Actionable Course Workbook

Get a workbook for each module to make learning and implementing the lessons easy.

Learn Your Way

Besides the workbook, content will be available via video and text.

Course Curriculum

  Money Basics - How to Increase Your Cash Flow
Available in days
days after you enroll

Want Bonuses? They're Yours.

Tech Tool Tutorials

(value = $57)

I'll walk you through each of the tools I recommend to make sure you can get up and running on them fast.

1 Year of Post-Course Accountability

(value = $497)

Law School Debt Defense will set you up for success, but you'll have to make sure you stick to your plans after the six week course ends. How does monthly group coaching calls and emails to check in sound?

VIP- access to all future bonuses

I'll definitely be creating more bonuses in the future. If you join now, you'll get access to all of the future bonuses too!

I became more conscious about my finances and my spending habits. It was eye-opening to see all my numbers in a paper and shocking to know how much I am spending in unnecessary things. Also, it gave me hope knowing I can pay off my debts and can still have money for other things.

It was extremely helpful. Liz's writing was entertaining, fun, and very informational. She made boring things sound more exciting and made it really easy to understand each section.

I would tell someone that this class is very informational. You learn to know your numbers and how to work that into your advantage. The class makes it feasible to plan ahead regarding paying your debts and learning how you are spending your money.

I loved this class because you made budgeting simple, I learned different tools (i.e. having different savings accounts) to be able to manage your money and set different goals. You made me think about money like I never thought before and I am now conscious about my spending habits, my debts, and cutting back in my expenses while still having enough money for the stuff I really need.

-Yuny M.

Your Instructor

Liz Stapleton
Liz Stapleton

Liz Stapleton is a recovering attorney and freelance writer focusing on personal finance, entrepreneurship, and issues facing lawyers. Since starting a personal finance blog in 2014, Liz has paid off all of her credit card debt (over $10k), raised her credit score from 640 to 800+, and paid off one of her many student loans. Her writing has been featured in The Huffington Post, The Penny Hoarder, Credit Sesame, and MagnifyMoney. Additionally, Liz has also been quoted in articles on Business Insider, Student Loan Hero, Credit Karma, and NerdWallet.

Who is Law School Debt Defense For?

Anyone struggling. If you don't know how you can get ahead on your finances, much less your loans.

Someone willing to invest a little money to save you tons of time doing trial and error to figure out your money and come up with a plan for your law school loans.

Motivated individuals, I will take you through step-by-step but you have to be willing to put in the work.

Who Law School Debt Defense Is Not for:

Those that can afford the standard repayment plan on their law school loans and aren't struggling with money.

Those that are on track for Public Service Loan Forgiveness (currently, your loans will be forgiven after 120 qualifying payments, though the criteria could always change).

Anyone looking for a get rich quick or easy fix solution.


What Happens Once You Enroll?

1. You'll get a welcome email, explaining how you will be able to access the course once it opens.

2. The course opens April 1st.

3. Starting April 1st, each week you will get access to one module.

4. The material in the module will be reviewed during the group coaching call the following Saturday.

Get started now!

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts April 1st. You'll get access to new modules every Saturday.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 14 days of the course and we will give you a full refund. For more information see our Refund Policy at the bottom of the page